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Louisburg, NC 27549    

Cell (919) 495 - 2270


Date of Birth: April 2, 1957 | Gatesville, NC
Marital Status: Married to Patricia Hinton with two children Camilla Hinton and Dr. Zoe Hinton


In May of 2023, I retired from Louisburg College with Faculty Emeritus Status. 

Currently, I travel, write, read, sing and draw, as well as work full-time in my ceramics studio at home. During the winter of 2023 and spring of 2024, I have been fortunate to visit many places: Charleston, Georgetown, and historic kiln sites in Edgefield SC, hike the green mountains in Vermont, complete a week-long solo driving sojourn through Civil Rights sites in Birmingham, Montgomery, Selma, and Gee's Bend Alabama, spend a week in Rwanda in central Africa with a ZoeEmpowers Team, and visit Amsterdam and Delft in Holland with my partner Pat, a retired librarian and painter. 


1983 - 2023 Professor of Art

Responsible for teaching Drawing and Ceramics/Pottery studio classes, Art Appreciation lecture class, and co-teach an interdisciplinary Film/Art course. Gallery responsibilities include all curatorial and design responsibilities for *Travelling Exhibition Series in the Lumpkin Community Gallery and The LC Permanent Gallery which is located in the Faulkner Gallery.  In addition to academic advising, I have served on the following committees: Faculty Senate (Chair)-Current 18-19 Faculty Chair, Salary and Benefits, Louisburg College Bicentennial, Faculty Development, Faculty Evaluation, Academic Affairs, Long-Range Planning, Public Affairs, (SACS) Southeastern Association of Colleges and Schools Steering Committee, Chair of the College Family component of the Franklin County Annual Fund Drive, and Commencement speaker 1995.

1982 -  1983             Artist/Designer - Plant Manager of Terra Designs, Inc. Morristown, New Jersey. Duties included: responsibility for all                                             equipment, mold and tile construction, glaze calculation, design and job cost estimates.
1983                         Summer carpenter - Michael Leonard Builders, Louisburg,NC
1970  - 1979             Summer labor- saws, stacking, grading, forklift.           Ashton Lewis Sawmill, Gatesville, NC


2005                          Two day Workshop with Richard Rohr at Duke Univ. entitled, “Men’s Rights of Passage.”

2001                          All Kinds of Learners, college students with learning disabilities, Landmark College on LC campus.

1992                          Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain. Continuing Education, Duke University.

1987 - 1988               Graduate work in Product Design. School of Design, N.C. State University.

1982                          MFA, New York State College of Ceramics at Alfred University. Magna Cum Laude.

1980                          BFA, East Carolina University. Magna Cum Laude. Outstanding Senior Art Award, ceramics.

1977                          AA, Chowan College. Dean's List. Art Scholarship


2024                          April, Keynote Speaker, Brenau University Annual Symposium on Innovation, Inquiry, and Creativity

2023                          December, Visual Arts Editor for Radford Univ. Literary magazine. 

2020 - 2023               North Carolina Pottery Conference, included in participant Exhibitions. 

2019                          Main character witness for Joe Aulisio in his federal resentencing hearing for reduction of his two life sentences. Mr.                                              Aulisio is a prisoner/artist in Scranton, PA. who I have known for the past 14 years.

2019                          September: Two week historic ceramic art study in Lisbon, Porto, the Douro Valley (Portugal), Costa da Morte (Spain)

2018                          Solo Judge, National Juried Show HANDCRAFTED Imperial Center, Rocky Mount.

                                  Art Director, 1st Edition Lou Lit Review


2012 – 2017              I plan and lead our SOAR (Summer Orientation and Registration) Orientation for eight groups each summer who are                                            accepted as first year students at Louisburg College.   These discussions are interactive in nature, facilitated by a 4’ x 24’                                      pattern painting with a quilt design on one side and the word TRANSITION on the other.  Students ponder the concepts                                    of “I and we”, and how we are interconnected as a community of learners.

2017, 2019                Community Pottery class, Louisburg, NC.


2016 to current        I serve as lay reader in our local Episcopal Church, preaching once per Quarter

2014                          I play the leading role of Jesus in a college/community production of GODSPELL. 

2011                          I design and present address entitled “Personal Knowledge” for statewide conference of North Carolina Liberal Arts                                            Colleges. Theme was A Visual Arts Approach to Student Retention.


2007 – present         In 2007 I began an ongoing relationship with an inmate named *Joe Aulusio in Pennsylvania.  He is serving two life                                                sentences for being convicted of killing two other children when he was 15.  He is now 50.  Joe is a self- taught painter.                                        We exchange letters monthly, resulting in my ownership of 135 of Mr. Aulisio’s paintings. 


2005                          Pottery classes given to children of Hispanic migrant workers, St. Philip’s Episcopal Church/Durham, NC.

2000 - 2006              Co-Coordinator of the Louisburg College First Year Experience Class called Crossroads.  During 05-06 I brought                                                    bestselling NY Times author James McBride to our campus.

2000                          “Pottery: A Beginning” a two-week ceramics class taught at Anderson Ranch, Snowmass Village, Colorado.


2000                          “Personal Knowledge” a two-week ceramics class taught at Penland School, Penland, North  Carolina.


1999                          Artist in Residence (Ceramics), and Drawing Instructor for class entitled “Personal Knowledge” at Anderson Ranch,                                              Snowmass Village, Colorado.      


1997,99,02,03           Selection panel member, Regional Artist Project Grant Program, United Arts of Raleigh and Wake County, Raleigh, NC.

1997                          Consultant, Enloe High School, Wake County Arts Magnet School campus for visual arts, fall semester, ceramics and                                            sculpture classes

                                  Judge for Artsplosure, outdoor arts festival, Raleigh, NC.


1996                          Panel member, Public Works Executed in Industry, NCECA (National Council on the Education of Ceramic Art) 1996                                              National Conference, Rochester, NY.

1995                          Selection panel member, Artist Project Grants, North Carolina Arts Council.

1994 - 95                   Selection panel member for Art Works for State Buildings Program, North Carolina Arts Council, Elizabeth City State                                            University, Fine and Performing Arts Center Project.

1994                          Judge for juried exhibition, Halifax County Arts Council.

                                  Workshop/demonstration for high school Art instructors, Chowan College, Murfressboro, NC.

1992 - 94                   Organized and taught "Arts Together", an interdisciplinary art-music-drama camp for Franklin County school children.

1992 - 96                   Taught summer adult pottery class, Louisburg College.


1991                          Selection panel member for Art Works for State Buildings Program, North Carolina Arts Council, East Carolina University                                    Joyner Library Project.

1990 - 92                   Advisory Council, Arts in Education, North Carolina Arts Council.

1990                          Selection panel member, Public Art Component, City of Sanford, NC, North Carolina Arts Council.


1988 - 92                   Artist/designer involvement with Arts Council of Wilson as member of artist/architect collaborative team to design a                                            master plan of environmental public art to be actualized in three phases over the next three years for the Barnes Street                                        Redevelopment Project in Wilson, NC.

1989                          Workshop - Ceramic Designers Association, Tidewater Community College, Norfolk, VA.


1988                          Panel member - "Ten Clay Artists", 2nd Annual NC Pottery Conference, Asheboro, NC.


                                  Workshop/demonstration, Campbell University, Buies Creek, NC.


1987                          Workshop/demonstration, Loyola University, Chicago, IL.


                                  Group leader for student trip to England - London, Oxford, Bath, and Stonehenge.

1986                          Design Consulant for Louisburg College.  Work included designs for Bicentennial logo and college flag.

                                  Drawing/ceramic lecture workshop, Chowan College, Murfreesboro, NC.


                                  Travel/research at Greek archeological sites: Athens, Corinth, and Mycene. Research of folk potters on the island of Crete.

1984                          Travel/research in the Yucatan peninsula to study Mayan sites at Tulum and Chichen Itza.

1983                          Free lance design work with Michael Lax and Associates, New York.


Ceramic workshop - Montgomery Technical College, Troy, NC.

Summer 1980            Monitor in charge of ceramic studio, kilns, and equipment. Penland School of Crafts.


2017                          C & P Music Company Sign 20’ x 25’ exterior mural, permanent exterior Public Art Work $8,700 Budget

2016                          1936 Louisburg Opera House Mural 12’ x 16’ exterior permanent Public Art Work $7,800 Budget

2015                          ESSE QUAM VIDERI Wall 20’ x 100’ tile mosaic and    painting exterior permanent Public Work $25,500 Budget / largest                                       depiction of NC Motto in existence (20’ x 80’)  

2013-14                     I coordinated the design and construction of the *Louisburg College Campus Free Expression Wall.  Before I Die was                                           produced through the Faculty Fellows Program and Kenan Residence Hall, under the leadership of Ashley Holland and                                       myself. It is located on our front lawn in front of the Benson Chapel.  This site specific work of Public Art is placed where                                       both our students and vehicular traffic see the messages.  Currently the plan is for this to remain in place until our                                                 2014 Graduation.  Individuals are encouraged to sign their name, and write thoughts, lyrics, and poems on the colorful                                         pattern side. * The Before I Die, I want to ______________________ side is written on with chalk and is ongoing as the                                           thoughts written in chalk are gradually washed away by the weather and are replaced by new reflections. 

2012                          Selected to design and build memorial to Chowan Art Professor Doug Eubank.  I worked closely with Ray Felton of Metal                                   Tech of Murfreesboro, NC, building model and budget of this site specific Public Art on the Campus of Chowan                                                   University. Piece included seating area and laser cut aluminum component which was to read, “Hope is the thing with                                         feathers that perches in the soul.” Project does not reach fruition due to Institutional Budget cuts. 

2011                          I designed and built the *Louisburg College Labyrinth during the spring and summer of 2011. This 50’ diameter                                                     permanent installation is built into the courtyard in front of the Robbins Library.  At the core of all spiritual paths is the                                         concept of quieting your mind and centering yourself.  Read the two bronze markers.  Possibly do a crayon rubbing of the                                   model of the design.  Our Labyrinth is an ancient tool.  It is a walking meditation.  During your walk into and out from the                                   center you RELEASE an idea/perception that is bothering you, you RECEIVE acceptance of your situation, and you                                               RETURN to the world with a calmer plan of where your decisions will lead you.

2012                          Lead Grant writer-planner for receiving a $30,000 Triad Foundation Grant Ithaca, New York. This was used for the initial                                         planning costs for the Hodges Fine Arts Complex.  This has now grown into a $750,000 rehab and new construction of the                                   Visual Arts facility at Louisburg College.  Groundbreaking will take place in the Spring of 2014.  This construction will offer                                   a home to the Visual Arts and Music, while supporting new growth into Digital Photography and software mixing of                                             sound and video.

2010                          Lead Grant Writer in receiving $1000 Franklin County Arts Council Grant honoring our relationship with the Franklin                                             County School System.

2001                          The Davis College Seal is an intricate tile mosaic was built on an historic site where the lines between Main, Wright Hall,                                       and Davis cross on the Louisburg College campus.  Historically, there had been a fountain at this spot during the mid                                           20th century. The college tile mosaic depicts our motto: Sapienta Gemmis Melior. This translates to: Knowledge is more                                     important than rubies/jewels.  Another step takes that to:  Knowledge is more important than money.  The final step                                             takes that simply to: KNOWLEDGE IS POWER.


1998                          Collaborative project with CLEARSCAPES Architecture. Creation and installation of permanent ceramic tile mosaic river                                       installed in the Arts and Science Center of the Catawba Valley, Hickory, NC.

1996,02,03                Who’s Who Among American University and College Professors.

1992                          Installed interactive mural, seating elements at Daniels Day Care Center, Wilson, NC

1991-92                     NEA Grant recipient -  Art In Public Places  Link building, Barnes Street Project, Wilson, NC. This project is made up of                                         two Walls measuring 12’x 55’ covered in ceramic tile mosaics.

1991                          Franklin County Artist of the Year, Franklin County Arts Council.

1990                          Summer - Ceramic tile mosaic installation, Exterior Public Art, Community Council for the Arts, Kinston, NC. 

1990                          Barnes Street Project, Wilson, NC received Honor Award from North Carolina Chapter of American Society of Landscape                                     Architects.

1989                          Summer - Ceramic tile sidewalk, vertical tile elements and concrete screens, public art component, Barnes Street Project,                                   Wilson, NC. Work executed in artist/industry program, Kohler Company, Kohler, WI.

March                        Cast Iron lighting elements, public art component, Barnes Street project. Work executed in artist/industry program, iron                                      foundry, Kohler Company.

                                   January, Commissioned work - Donor Recognition Area, Arts Council of Wilson, NC.

1988                           Merit Award – First annual recipient of Outstanding Teacher Award, Louisburg College.


2023                           Handcrafted Exhibition, Imperial Center Rocky Mount Arts Council

2021                           Solo Exhibition at Gallery C, "The Nature of Joy," 80 Ceramic Wall Plates; Raleigh, NC.

2021                           Solo Exhibition "A Reassurance of Repetition" 130 Ceramic Wall Plates at Jefferson County Community College,                                                  Louisville, KY.

2018                           100 Tapas plate Commission for Caramont Farm, Charlottesville, Virginia

2017                           NATURE + Nurture, solo exhibition Louisburg College.

2016                           Ceramic Vase selected for Annual Penland School Auction

2010                           Ceramics included in Anderson Ranch Annual Summer Show, an international auction of art objects. Aspen, Colorado

2010                           Ceramics and drawing in the Paul Hartley Legacy Exhibition Raleigh, NC.

2003                           “Triangle Treasures” ceramic artists in the research   

                                    Triangle area of North Carolina, Cedar Creek Gallery.

                                    ECU Alumni and Faculty: 35 Years/Clay at ECU, Rocky Mount Arts Center.

1999                           “A Journey West,” solo exhibition at Louisburg College.

1998                           North Carolina Artists Competition, Merit Award charcoal and pencil drawing, Fayetteville Museum of Art. 

1996                           “Rendezvous” national invitational ceramic exhibition, Museum of Nebraska Art.     

1995                           “A Sense of Community”  solo exhibition at Campbell Univ.

1994                           “Figures of Speech”, solo exhibition at Louisburg College.

1992                           Invitational Alumni Exhibition, East Carolina University.

1991                           “Pedestals and Vases” Larrimore Gallery, Philadelphia,   PA.

1990                           “Common Ground”, An Exhibition of drawings and ideation of Public Art Components, Arts Council of Wilson, NC.

1989                            Four North Carolina Ceramic Artists, invitational exhibition at Gallery C, Raleigh, NC.

1988                           Solo exhibition at Arts Council of Wilson.

                                   Solo exhibition at Kinston Community Council of the Arts.

1988                           Solo exhibition at Campbell University.

1987                           "Five Artist Ceramic Invitational Exhibit", Loyola University. Chicago,Ill.

                                   North Carolina Artist Triennial Exhibition, North Carolina Museum of Art.

1987                           Monarch Tile National Ceramic Competition, San Angelo, TX.

                                   Solo exhibition at Chowan College.

1986                           Tri-State Sculpture Guild Annual Exhibit, UNC-Wilmington.

                                   Clay USA-86, Radford College.

1985                           North Carolina Artists Competition (painting), Fayetteville Museum of Art.

1982                           MFA Thesis Exhibition, Fosdick-Nelson Gallery, Alfred University.

1981                           Earthenware USA - Hand and the Spirit Gallery, Scottsdale, AZ.

1981                           NCECA - Interiors/Exteriors Show, Wichita Museum of Art.

                                   New York State - New Clay Talent Show, Clay Works Studio Workshop, NY.

                                   Primary Art II, drawing and ceramic work, Hilton Head, SC.

1980                           Biennial Exhibition of Southeastern Crafts, Mint Museum, Charlotte, NC.


2022                          The Rosenfield Collection of Contemporary Ceramics. Two ceramic platters joined over 3,500 objects by over 90 ceramic artists.  This is the largest collection of this type in the nation and is housed in the Everson Museum at Syracuse University.

2022                    The New York State College of Ceramics at Alfred University Museum of Ceramics now owns three of my ceramic platters. This collections is a broad survey of ceramics spanning recorded history from the entire globe.


I have been an Educator/Artist at Louisburg College for the past 35+ years.  During my career I have shifted back and forth from large public art works to intimate drawings and ceramics.  I enjoy both working in classroom and community settings, and being very quiet and reflective in the studio alone. Animated shifting patterns of color and texture have always characterized my drawings and clay work.  All the objects I make start with colored pencil and graphite drawings, before evolving into clay pottery, mosaics, or larger painted surfaces.  I am a gregarious person and enjoy telling stories in a variety of different media.  As I turn 62, I find myself centering more on the narrative potential in my work. 

This is a description of a recent series of ceramic planters --

“Push. Cut. Bend. Carve. Nudge. Rip. Snag. Drag. Press. Thump. Persuade. Punch. Cajole. This series of ceramic work and drawings come straight out of my relationship with rural northeastern North Carolina.  The peanut vines, the cypress swamps, the magnolia leaves and the bits of sea shells all make their presence known in these gestural clay studies.  My goal is for the resiliency of the vessel to be maintained, yet at their best, each honors their own vulnerabilities to nature.  Nature can teach you that, if you are patient enough to slow down and learn.  I start to understand what it means to, “live in the world, but not of the world.”      


* Youtube:                         Louisburg College Labyrinth Video | ESSE QUAM VIDERI Wall
* Google:                          Josh Shaffer - Inmate Art -  Will Hinton | News & Observer article

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